A guide to the 2023 Employment Law changes for business owners
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the 2023 employment law changes from Zyla Accountants to help Small Business owners keep up with the upcoming updates.
Four ways to get your banking feeds in TO Xero
In this article, the Zyla team share how to get your banking feeds into Xero.
What you need to know about buying a business in the UK
The purchase of an existing business can be an exciting venture, but it's not a quick win. Research, dedication, funding, and other essential elements are essential, and that's where Zyla Accountants can help.
31 JanUARY Self Assessment deadline
The deadline for sending your online 2021/22 Self Assessment tax returns to HMRC, and for paying the related tax, is 31 January 2023.
What you can do to prevent invoice fraud
Are you unsure if an unexpected invoice from a supplier is genuine or fake? Follow Zyla Accountants' top tips to protect yourself against invoice fraud.
An Overview of the new SEIS and EIS rules
The SEIS (Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme) has been widened, allowing firms to now raise £250,000 – 66% more than before.
Business Innovation in 2023: The new rules for R&D
From April, the government will introduce new rules for R&D.
In recognition of the importance of innovation in driving growth in the UK, HMRC has given tax breaks to businesses that create new products and services through research and development (R&D).
Your guide to business valuation
Business valuation is an integral part of corporate finance transactions, whether the business is being sold to a listed company or if it is being invested in an EIS-qualifying enterprise. For entrepreneurs, it is a critical aid to the decision-making process.
Zyla client PACKFLEET named in 2023 Startups 100 Index
Amid an uncertain economy, this year’s list of the top 100 startups for 2023 showcases the innovators that will bring light and convenience into the new year.
The government unveils new “Energy Bills Discount Scheme” for businesses
The government announces the new “Energy Bills Discount Scheme” for UK businesses, charities, and the public sector from April.
Start your journey
Zyla Accountants believe in delivering a personalised, reliable, hands-on accountancy service that makes a real difference to your business.